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Notice: AuctionTamer will be retiring soon with no further updates or support. We will still have the option to purchase monthly usage at this time. You can always cancel the subscription at anytime via PayPal.

From the author of QuickPay and QuickInvoice for Quicken!

Click Here to Download AuctionTamer - FREE 14 day trial

Click Here for a AuctionTamer Feature Chart

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AuctionTamer can do it all...
Browsing / Watching
Multiple Sites Around The World
Researching / Buying
Posting / Selling / Managing

The bottom line is that if you do auctions then you need AuctionTamer.  AuctionTamer is a unique multi-site auction software program that allows you to do your homework before snatching that great buy, and also takes the hassle out of selling with the optional Sellers add-on.  AuctionTamer supports eBay US, eBay Austria, eBay Australia, eBay Canada, eBay France, eBay Germany, eBay Italy, eBay Netherlands, eBay United Kingdom, eBay Stores, eBay Motors and others.  Click here for a complete list of supported sites.  AuctionTamer works with foreign currencies and international regional settings.  The Sellers add-on for AuctionTamer includes a complete Auction Posting module with enhanced scheduling and many post auction management features!

I think I'm in love. AuctionTamer is WONDERFUL. Not having to enter all those IDs and Passwords... The tabs are a dream -- great to be able to swing over to PayPal, or PhotoPoint, or USPS -- and back! -- all with a SINGLE click of the mouse button. Wow! The letter templates, what can I say? They just might keep me sane... You get yet another gold star for your free upgrades policy. In summary, AuctionTamer is just simply fabulous.  Pat

Browsing / Watching
"My compliments!! KILLER browser...I LOVE it, I was an expert in about 2 minutes :)) Too cool :)" Steve

AuctionTamer is a customized tabbed Internet browser with a built-in auction item watch list.

  • Unique tabbed browser.  Easily switch between internet sites with one click.
  • Accurate eBay clock (synchronizes with eBay Time and does not adjust your system clock).
  • Fully customizable watch list that allows you to add your own columns.
  • Last Bid, number of Bids & High Bidder are updated automatically.
  • Auction items in the list are color coded by auction site for easy recognition.
  • Quick buttons for seller feedback, other seller items & bid history.
  • Tabs to organize your watch list into 8 categories (Open, Closed, Won, Other, Selling, Sold, Not Sold & Seller Other)
  • Reserve not met indicator.
  • Drag and Drop auction items for easier adding from search lists.
  • Auto Login - Just press a browser tab and AuctionTamer will load the web page fill in your login info and submit the page.
  • Save/Print Web Page.


Multiple Sites
"Just a note to say thank you for the AuctionTamer program, I think it is GREAT! It has given me the ability to easily find bargains on other auction sites.  I paid for this program with the savings from my first auction purchase. Thanks" John

AuctionTamer makes it easy to use and switch between web sites.

  • AuctionTamer supports multiple auction sites.  Click here for a complete list.


Researching / Buying
"Just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE the AuctionTamer program and how much time it has saved me when trying to track payments, receipts, information, etc. Don't know how I lived without it! Well done."  Cynthia

AuctionTamer is a complete research center for your auction buying needs.  You can easily add items of interest to AuctionTamers' watch list.  AuctionTamer will automatically update time left, the # of bids, and the last bid amount. All items from multiple auction sites are displayed in one easy to read list.

  • Multi-auction search - Search all supported auction sites at once.
  • Save your most popular searches.
  • Leave feedback on a sellers account.
  • Supports Buy-it-Now for eBay
  • Displays a Hit counter.
  • Supports eBay Store items


Posting / Selling / Managing
"This program is great and I am spoiled already. All of our auctions that closed tonight have been taken care of as well as payments received today and shipments going out tomorrow. I might actually get in bed at a decent hour for a change. My husband and I are sellers on eBay and our goal is to have about 100 auctions going at all times. I think Auction Tamer is going to play a huge part in helping us reach that goal. Thank you very much for all of your help!" Lori

With the AuctionTamer Sellers add-on sellers can post and manage their online auctions on multiple auction sites with multiple seller id's.  The Auction Poster makes it easy to create and post auctions.  After that everything can be automatic, when the auction closes, they are sent a "You Won!" e-mail with payment instructions. When you receive a payment, click the "Paid/Ship" button and enter the bidders information.

  • Manages items you are selling.
  • Supports foreign currencies and non-US system configurations.
  • Auction Posting feature allows you to add items quickly.
  • Supports Auction, Dutch, Fixed Priced, eBay Store and Buy-It-Now items.
  • Inventory features.
  • Auto re-list items.
  • WYSIWYG HTML Editor with customizable themes.
  • Schedule your auctions to post at the time you want.
  • ImageTamer image hosting service.  (optional)
  • Supports multiple seller id's.
  • Complete bidders database.
  • Can automatically send customizable e-mails
  • Form Saver and Filler - Enter a web form once and then save it for easy recall.
  • Print Labels - You can customize your own labels.
  • Combines multiple items from the same bidder into one email.
  • Can send emails as HTML
"Another advantage to this program is the "privacy" associated with it.  All my information is stored on my local hard drive.  I have complete control over how and who uses the information." - rkp76

At Envision we take our customers privacy very seriously. We do not track your buying habits or other personal information.  With AuctionTamer you have complete privacy because all your data is stored on your hard drive.  AuctionTamer is not Adware.  The only ads you will see are the normal ads on the web pages themselves.  In fact under the Browsers menu you can disable those annoying pop-up web pages.

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AuctionTamer has now been on the market for over 20 years!

Requires Windows 8 and above and Internet Explorer 9 and above.
AuctionTamer will not modify your Internet Browser in any way.

Click Here to Download AuctionTamer - FREE 14 day trial

Click Here for AuctionTamer Pricing

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 TamerSolutions is a dba of Envision Software, Inc.
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